Roska-astia tuhkakupilla
Ulkoroskis tuhkakupilla. Helppo kiinnittää takaseinässä olevien reikien avulla esim. seinälle tai telineeseen.
Listing title (in english)
Outdoor trash can with ash tray
Listing description (in english)
Outdoor trash can with an ash tray. Easily attached with couple screws from the back into a wall etc.
Ulkoroskis, roska-astia, tuhkakuppi, jäteastia, roskis, trash, trash bin, trash can, prophound
- Props
- Furniture
Main material
- Metal
Leveys 40cm ja korkeus 71cm Width 40cm and height 71cm
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Roska-astia tuhkakupilla
Roska-astia tuhkakupilla
+ VAT 25.5%
per 1–5 days for rent
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+ VAT 25.5%
per 1–5 days
for rent
for rent